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How To Make 2003 Your Breakthrough Year

Copyright 2003 - Jeff Smith

Have you been dreaming of a lifestyle that you just haven't been able to reach yet?

How about the false starts? Have you tested the water by trying a few different businesses but found they just didn't work for you - for whatever reason?

What about your confidence level - is it a little shaky? Maybe deep down you know you can replace your full-time income marketing information products, but you need to break through the invisible shield that's holding you back.

Perhaps you've just come off your best year, and you desparately want to take your success to the next level. You've achieved more than you ever dreamed and now you see even bigger things in your future.

Whatever your situation, 2003 can either be more of the same, or it can be a BLOCKBUSTER year.

You're either sitting still and the traffic is whizzing past you or you are in the fast lane making incredible process toward your goals - there is no inbetween.

Here's 5 ways you can move from the slow lane to the fast lane, shift from neutral to overdrive in next to no time.

1. Become Intimate With Your Market:

If you do one thing differently in the coming days, commit to selecting a niche market that you are passionately interested in and learn everything you can about that market, including:

- Demographics (who, what and where the people are in your market
- How to reach people in your market. Where do people from your market look for answers to their questions
- What do the customers in your niche market want? What challenges do they face, what patterns of buying do they have?
- If you already have a prospect list from a specific market, try further refining your list by splitting them into mini-lists aimed at very specific information offerings.

Discovering more about the prospects in your market will make you BIG profits in the coming months by guiding you to the exact products and services your prospects will buy.

Here's a super e-course you can use to help find high- profit topics to write about in your chosen target market


2. Create a follow-up marketing system

A good follow-up marketing system can easily double or even triple short-term sales from your website and can provide you a prospect list that, over time will be the basis for long-term security in your infoproduct business. Spend a few days this year and develop a series of follow up autoresponders, e-courses and commit to developing a bi-weekly or weekly newsletter to build loyalty with your list.

Here's a super autoresponder service I've been using for the last 6-months...


3. Survey your market

Short, focused, targeted surveys are very valuable tools to increase profits from your business. You can learn more about existing prospects and discover how to attract new customers by running a survey a month in 2003. Survey software and services are available for well under $100 - with some, such as surveymonkey.com, offering free trial services you can use for your first few surveys.

4. Find Your Speaking Style

What approach will you take with your market - direct and blunt, humorous, literary, I've seen all of these work - here's the Secret - Have a voice. This is the method many people use to set their business aside from others.

5. Work On Branding Yourself

It's great to have a product or two, perhaps run your own newsletter, and work on marketing your products. However, what you will notice about many of the high achievers marketing infoproducts on the internet is that they position themselves as "the expert" on a specific topic of high interest. Terry Dean - http://www.infoproductcreator.com/part/net.html has successfully branded himself as a master list builder. Damon Zahariades of: http://www.infoproductcreator.com/part/damon.html is "the expert" on developing Special Reports, and Yanik Silver brands himself a master of developing high powered, profit turning sales letters - as you can see here - http://www.infoproductcreator.com/part/ysales.html

You really can put your business on the fast track to massive returns in the next 12 months. Even better, you'll continue to reap the rewards for years to come.

Often times we don't take action becuase we are unsure about which direction to take. Clear direction with some hard work can produce incredible results. Make 2003 the year you changed your life.

Jeff Smith is the author of The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package...giving You over 40 simple techniques to develop INCREDIBLY Profitable Topics For Your Information Products. See: http://www.infoproductcreator.com